Access Data Outside Enterprise using SQL

Use AWS Athena to connect to the data and visualize it in your preferred solution

Enterprise allows you to create reports and dashboards leveraging the models built to bring the data together in insightful ways to drive growth. We understand that sometimes accessing the data directly to pull into your current business processes and visualization tools is the preferred solution.

Accessing data outside IDEXX Enterprise is simple. We provide you with multiple ways to integrate your data into existing data visualization tools or business processes. Below is a quick snapshot of the most popular options:

The second option requires a bit of technical finesse but can be obtained by the steps outlined below. Note that not all reports will successfully be able to execute through Analytics and, by extension, a S3 scheduled export. Validation through testing is the best way to secure a workable export. Keep the exports limited to the data that is needed for optimal performance.

Follow the steps below to schedule an export that is accessible using SQL to query data.

  1. Create an AWS S3 Bucket (see How do I create an S3 bucket?)

  2. Add a folder in the S3 Bucket for csv files and the processed file, which is used by Athena for running queries, for example:

3. Send saved Look to S3 through either a one time send, or a scheduled send (Recommended: send a test before scheduling to ensure success and be sure to specify the correct output path, such as 'csv' like the example above)

4. Set up AWS Glue to automatically crawl the S3 bucket and create a schema for use in Athena

5. Run the new crawler created in step 4

6. Once the crawler has completed, test a query through Athena query tool (See step 3 in Getting Started)

7. Connect Athena Database to Tableau or other preferred visualization tool