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  2. User Management

Manage User Access to Practices or Regions

Manage user access to a specific practice, a collection of practices, or grant access all practices.

Follow the steps below to grant or remove access to practices.
Note: The ability to manage access is only for System Owners.
  1. Visit My Practices in the right navigation next to your username

    My Practices
  2. Click User Management

  3. Use the Search bar or scroll to the user you would like to manage

  4. Click Edit

  5. Under the Practice Access section click Customize Access
  6. From the expanded Customize Access panel, click either All Practices, for access to all practices, click Specific Practice Label, to select a region of practices to grant access, or Individual Practice, to assign an individual practice

  7. Once your desired access has been selected, click Save at the bottom of the screen

Set user's access to practice data.

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