Our new and improved navigation!

We have updated our navigation which makes it easier to manage your content. You can now copy, move and even favorite dashboards/reports to customize your Analytics experience.

Copy a dashboard/report

  1. Select a dashboard or report in your personal folder, group folder or shared folder
  2. Click the three dots to the right
  3. Select "Copy" and navigate to the folder you would like to move it to

Move a dashboard/report

  1. Select a dashboard or report in your personal folder, group folder or shared folder
  2. Click the three dots to the right
  3. Select "Move" and navigate to the folder you would like to move it to

Favorite a dashboard/report

  1. Select a dashboard or report in your personal folder, group folder or shared folder
  2. Click on the heart icon next to the title of the dashboard/report
  3. Access your favorited content on the right hand navigation by clicking "Favorites"