Select the "right" date to use

There are several date fields to build your reports from. Read this article to view date definitions & understand when to use each.

Date Definitions

Posted date - this is the date that the transaction/invoice was posted. This date tends to align with end of period reporting and is used on the Standard Dashboards and for the period over period analysis date fields.

Transaction date - this is the date on which the transaction happened. If the invoice is posted on the same of that the transaction occurred, this date will match the posted date.

Period over period analysis - there are 2 components to this: the date filter and the timeframes year over year dimension.

  • the filter allows the user to input the date range they would like to use. This filter uses POSTED DATE for the timeframe

  • the timeframes year over year is a dimension created to break out the data into this year vs. the same period in the previous year

please note: only use the period over period analysis date filter and timeframes YOY dimension when building a report/dashboard that needs to do a comparison. It is best practice to use either posted date or transaction date for any reporting that does not need to look back at the same data for the prior year.